Health Equity Blogs


In this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Sara Jumping Eagle, M.D., and Kaylee Merrell, R.N., of the Indian Health Service discuss the plan to reduce the disproportionate COVID-19 infection rates in Indigenous communities through vaccine distribution and an administration strategy with national and local partners.
SACRED Birth study’s survey tool called a Patient Reported Experience Measure of OBstetric racism©, also known as the
April is National Minority Health Month. With COVID-19 having a disproportionate impact in communities of color, emphasis on improving access to vaccines as they become more widely available and eliminating health care inequities is critical.
by Aisha Syeda
On April 7, the American Hospital Association brought together experts from across the health care field for a national conversation dedicated to maternal health equity. 
by Priya Bathija
Many of the digital solutions we relied on during the pandemic will remain, making digital health equity, including digital access and literacy, even more important. As hospitals and health systems design and implement digital solutions, it will be imperative to take proactive steps so all individuals have the opportunity to engage with these tools.
by Mital Patel
A new Market Insights report from the AHA Center for Health Innovation describes how to use data to build new capabilities that improve health outcomes for patients and communities.
On this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Germaine Smith-Baugh, president and CEO of the Urban League of Broward County in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., talks about combating the COVID-19 pandemic through testing, vaccinations and education within the community, which include people hardest hit by the pandemic.
On this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Esther Corpuz, CEO of Alivio Medical Center in Chicago, talks about combatting the COVID-19 pandemic through testing, vaccinations and education within the community.
by Joy Lewis
AHA launches the first in a new series of toolkits designed to help hospitals and health systems make progress in advancing their health equity agenda.
In this AHA Physician Alliance podcast, Dawn Sears, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center in Temple, Texas, shares how she applied skills learned from the Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
For March 2021, some communities are launching the Transgender Month of Action for Healthcare Equality. The month, specifically focused on the health care needs of transgender and gender non-conforming people, aims to address barriers and areas for growth and highlight victories.
by Priya Bathija
Today is International Women's Day, a celebration of women’s achievements and a way to raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.
by Rod Hochman, M.D.
In the 55 years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke those words, our nation has made some progress to ensure all individuals have an equal opportunity to reach their healthiest life — but we still have a long way to go.
Dr. Hochman was joined in February by Consuelo H.
by Joy Lewis
Nearly 55 years ago, during the 1966 Medical Committee of Human Rights Convention, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. declared, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” Although there has been incremental progress toward achieving a more just health care system, Dr. King’s words still ring true today.
by Rod Hochman, M.D.
Join me on this episode of Leadership Rounds with Consuelo Wilkins, M.D., vice president of health equity at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, based in Nashville.
by Joy Lewis
With our nation’s COVID-19 vaccine administration rollout underway, policy influencers and advocacy groups are focusing on communities of color that have been disproportionately impacted by the fluctuating pandemic.
by Elizabeth Kenefick, by Nancy A. Myers, by Robin Hacke
Place-based investment, otherwise known as community investment, helps create the social and physical environments that support community health over the long term. As communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, community investment will be an innovative yet useful strategy for reimagining and rebuilding a more equitable society at a scale that grants alone cannot achieve.
by Rod Hochman, M.D.
As we forge ahead in 2021 facing a lot of uncertainty, there’s one thing we recognize: The COVID-19 pandemic will have a lasting effect on the health and well-being of our nation.
by Rick Pollack
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Since it became a federal holiday in 1983, MLK Day has become widely celebrated as a day of public service for individuals, communities and organizations.